Our Vision

As educators, we are committed to ignite that inner will that will propel children to fulfil their promise as social and creative beings by equipping them with the right knowledge and skills and, primarily, by seeding the right attitude. In a transformed ecosystem of education where learning is no longer confined to schools but available any time and any place, we fulfil our commitment by deploying progressive methodologies and pedagogies as well as by bringing expanded opportunities for learning into the classroom.

  • We aim to preserve and enhance the highest standards of excellence and prepare generation of 21st
  • The students will be equipped to access the best opportunities of growth and advancement by being prepared linguistically and culturally. The concept of enlightened citizen of the world will be backdrop of all their endeavours.
  • GPS students will be carefully sensitized to environmental concerns, the feeling of nationalism and communal harmony.

Our Mission

A caring school where all children are happy and well-motivated, where they are challenged and achieve high standards through fun and enriched curriculum. A school where all members of the school community have equal access to learning opportunities and enjoy growing and learning together.

INNOVATIVE PROBLEM-SOLVING: Ability to come up with unusual ideas and develop creative ways to solve complex problems.

CURIOSITY: Ability to enquire and to engage deeply.

DEEP THINKING: Ability to connect disparate bits of information and create a holistic perspective AbiIity to master essential skills and knowledge.

PASSIONATE PERSEVERANCE: Ability to stick with a problem/goal and not give up until successful.

DIVERSE & INCLUSIVE PERSPECTIVES: Belief in inclusive practices and quest to understand diverse and global perspectives.

These are intrinsically human traits that young children have in abundance. As educators, it is our responsibility to nurture and hone them to ensure that our children thrive in the future. Content is, of course, important. Numeracy and literacy, digital literacy, subject/discipline knowledge as well as learning of processes and skills are critical as they are the basis on which students will be able to evaluate and internalize new and evolving information. However, all this is a means to an end. And the end is to prepare students to become proactive and engaged citizens of the world of the future.